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My experience with Facetheory skincare

I have been on the market for skincare products for quite some time. I felt like I really needed some sort of routine because, girl, 42 is just around the corner!  First of all, I did not feel like breaking the bank. Trust me when I say that you could easily spend a small fortune on skincare products, if you're looking at some of the most bougie products on the market.  Second, I feel like I've been blessed when it comes to my skin. Not that I have won the genetic lottery (not even close), but I can't complain. Apart from some hyper-pigmentation and some large pores, I think it ain't that bad (so far). So I wanted a simple and easy regimen that I could follow. I had been seeing these ads all over Instagram and Facebook. And by seeing I mean, they were literally all over the place (good marketing, Facetheory!). So, after a bit of investigating and deciding what would work for my skin, I placed an order. Their site is super simple to navigate. You can easily look for and ...

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